

Getting out there…

Living in upstate NY, it’s critical to get outside during every season. If you don’t, you get a bad case of the grumbles. We have long cold winters that can only be tolerated by entering into the woods on a daily basis and discovering the small amazing things that happen there, even on the most dismal of days. That thought of getting out of your comfort zone and entering into a situation that can be in some ways sort of frightening, becomes the perfect metaphor for why I am putting these drawings out into the world. I am a trained artist with a BFA in Illustration from R.I.T. I also carry a Masters degree in Industrial design. However for the past decade, I have been so afraid of letting people see what my actual interests are that I have stopped creating.

The work you see here is my attempt and walking through the doorway and putting myself out there. As well as my way of bringing the beauty that is out there in for documentation.

It’s absolutely humbling to me the amount of support I have received since starting this in June of 2019. Thank you does not even begin to define my gratitude for all of you.

